
'We have to respect who we are'

Right Focus
Last Updated : 14 March 2013, 12:45 IST

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Winner of ‘Miss Earth 2011’, Olga Alava Vargas might deceive one into believing that she is an Indian, however, her strong Ecuadorian accent gives her away. The young and dynamic model was in the City recently to help and interact with children suffering from AIDS.

“Meeting the children was a great experience. They told me about their hobbies and aspirations. I also took time out to play with them. Even before the pageant, I had worked with terminally ill children in Ecuador and have tried my best to spread joy in their lives. Last Christmas was special as I spent time with children as well as senior citizens. Sports often help in making such children confident about themselves. Though I don’t play a particular sport, I run a lot to keep myself fit,” she says.

Modelling might be her hobby but she is extremely passionate about pursuing a career in International Business. “Modelling is my hobby and I love doing it but I want to pursue my career and I am passionate about it. I am grateful that modelling has given me this pedestal, wherein I am getting an opportunity to travel across the world. I am getting to know so much about India and its culture and the food. In fact, I have tasted Indian food once when I was staying in China. I found it too spicy but I am definitely going to try more,” she adds with a smile.

On being asked if she would like to try her hand in acting in the Indian film industry, she says, “I am not saying that I will refuse any such offer but currently I want to pursue my career and also focus on social causes. But I must add that I love travelling, knowing different cultures and countries. I am also looking forward to seeing Bangalore, I haven’t had the time yet,” she notes.

As against the common notion that models starve themselves, Olga does not believe in it. “God has given us our bodies and we need to take good care of it. I don’t believe in starving myself. I eat everything but don’t exceed my limits and try to hit the gym as regularly as possible. I feel that we have to respect who we are,” she points out.

The Ecuadorian beauty wants to be of service to her nation and is looking forward to going back to her country. “I want to go back to my country and work with the terminally ill children and also spread awareness regarding the disease. The kind of discrimination faced by the children with AIDS is heartbreaking. They are barred from doing things other children do. In fact, they are ostracised as people feel they might get the disease. The awareness regarding this disease is still very low and I want to educate people regarding the same,” she concludes.

Published 14 March 2013, 12:45 IST

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