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Last Updated : 07 January 2010, 11:57 IST

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The autobiography of a rain drop

I came from the white sponge clouds,
I enjoyed my days in clouds,
Then I was pushed out of the cloud  to
the world of nature.
I was very happy seeing my friends
coming with me...
They separated from me...
I was alone,
Singing a song of my own.
When I came close to land,
I felt bad it was haphazard...
A fear struck into my mind,
Where will I go in this haphazard land.
Will I be burnt in the burning fire,
Will I fall on the land,
Will I go inside a poor child's mouth,
Will I give happiness to plants.
A sudden wind blew,
I was pushed out to sea
I fell on a shell,
I became a beautiful, valuable, white pearl.

By K. Karunya 9th Standard, A-Section
K.V. School Kolar Gold Fields

In the sea

Just imagine - that you came to a beach to have some fun,
 you enjoyed a lot under the bright sun....
But just when you were playing...you fell!
you started drowning-too weak to yell(for help)
All you saw was a tall coconut tree,
and soon you were completely in the sea...
The wierd part is that you still survive,
but still in the sea struggling but alive.
just then you see a shark!!!
and on his skin was a small mark.
how would you survive, you can’t do anything..
to survive-----stop imagining!!
Shivangi Dharne

 My Dad

Organized is how I will describe my dad,
He is neat and clean,
That's what I've seen.
He is spic and span
As clean as our fan
Because he knows he's our strong man.

"My Dad is silly, my dad is mean",
Are words that I can only dream.
He is as gentle as he can be ,
That's why he loves someone like me.
He is as honest and hardworking as he can be,
That's why he is a true role model for me.

Dad is very helpful and playful,
Even when my condition is very sorrowful.
When my sister gets cranky and mom gets angry,
Dad makes everyone happy
 with tricks which makes him very funny.
Mom is a ruby, Sis is a princess,
I am silver, But DAD IS PRICELESS!!

Kshitij Kumbar, VIII G
Delhi Public School, Ahmedabad

 Day of doom

26/11 was a day of doom
For which our country doesn't have any room.
The day was sorrowful, the day was saddening,
 The cries of people were really maddening.

The terror struck, with all its might,
None of the officers were in sight.
The terrorists killed, all in sight,
Scenes which left, in us Indians, a deep scar of fright 

 We knew , that this was due,
"It's none's fault, none to sue"
Said a sheepish few, of the navy crew
Still, to terror attacks, who is new? The 26/11 attacks were a display of terror,
Which none of us could forget without any error.
We were prepared with armor, to fight against terror,
But the armor was pierced, with so much horror.

We were shook by  26/11 attacks, from head to toe,
But we stood up bravely to fight against the foe.
This gives us a lesson, to sow the seeds,
Of right deeds and communal peace.

Kshitij  Kumbar,
Delhi Public School, Ahmedabad

My teacher!

I love my teacher
The builder of my future
Loving is her nature
She gives us a long lecture &

Also her blessings
She is like my second Mother
Like her there is no other
This is the time to thank her

For teaching & guiding me
She is the one I can never
She is the one I will always Respect

She is the one I can never Forget
She have been more a friend to me
Sharing my joys & sorrows

She is the best among the best
She is my life’s guest
She is also the one who
tells us not to be the worst.

R Pavan Kumar
VIII ‘B’ Sri Kumaran’s School,

The Falling Leaf

A tiny leaf fell off my apple tree
Gently falling from side to side softly, safely floating by
It was just like the leaf was
falling in a dream
Then the leaf slowly landed
on the grass.

James Lefrere (7)
(Poems from the Roald Dahl Foundation
First Poetry Competition).


No one knows of its arrival, whether late or soon, no one knows when one will meet his fateful doom.
Life, seemingly hasty bustling on,
leaving the past forever to be gone,
Ah, with peacefulness as life proceeds,
We forget the bitter fact indeed,
that we, are mortals, guests of today,
tomorrow, who knows, die we may.
And when death strikes like a bolt from the blue, it proves its solemn mightiness to be true, And then we all plunge into darkness and grief,
fall at death’s feet like a dead dry leaf,
Death engulfs near and dear ones into its deep dark trove,
destructing lives as if cutting down trees from a grove,
impossible, it is, to fight against death,
even if you would take aid of immense power and wealth,
this moment we live, as of today, yes,
but tomorrow, what would happen, can we guess? Hard to digest, yet one thing is for sure,
for this cruel thing called death, there is no cure...

 Fathima, BTM Layout, B’lore.

Published 07 January 2010, 10:58 IST

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