New Delhi: After clashes broke out in Mumbai over the alleged sexual assaults of two four-year old school children, the union ministry of education has asked all states and UTs to implement guidelines to ensure safety and security of children in schools.
The ministry, in a release, said that the guidelines were issued in accordance with the Protection of Children against Sexual Offences (Pocso) Act in 2021 and were then circulated to all educational institutions across states and UTs in October that year. It has now asked States and UTs to inform the status of notification of the guidelines.
The guidelines, advisory in nature, detail the accountability of stakeholders and departments in ensuring the safety and security of children in schools. “States/UTs were informed that they may incorporate additions/modifications to these guidelines, if deemed necessary, according to the State/UT specific requirements and notify these guidelines,” the ministry’s statement read.
“A key purpose is to emphasize the ‘Zero Tolerance Policy’ against any negligence on the part of any individual or management when it comes to the safety and security of children in schools,” it added.
The Department of School Education and Literacy (DoSEL), Ministry of Education had developed the ‘Guidelines on School Safety and Security-2021’ in pursuance of the Supreme Court order, to strengthen the procedures, accountability and safeguard the s
Published 23 August 2024, 18:47 IST