
3 of family booked for beating up 2 employees of power company in Thane

The two contractual employees of the Maharashtra State Electricity Distribution Company Limited (MSEDCL) went to the house of the accused and disconnected the power supply due to their outstanding electricity bills, an official from Kolsewadi police station said.
Last Updated : 21 December 2023, 04:41 IST
Last Updated : 21 December 2023, 04:41 IST

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Thane: A couple and their daughter allegedly beat up two women contractual employees of a state-run electricity distribution company when they were returning after disconnecting the family's power supply over non-payment of dues, police said on Thursday.

The incident took place in Kalyan town on Wednesday.

The two contractual employees of the Maharashtra State Electricity Distribution Company Limited (MSEDCL) went to the house of the accused and disconnected the power supply due to their outstanding electricity bills, an official from Kolsewadi police station said.

While the duo was returning, the accused allegedly beat them up. When one of the victims tried to videograph the incident, the accused snatched her mobile phone and allegedly molested her, as per the police complaint filed by the two victims.

A case was registered on Wednesday against the three accused under relevant provisions, the police said.

Published 21 December 2023, 04:41 IST

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