In a shocking incident, a Pune woman physically assaulted her co-passengers and bit a CISF constable while embarking on a Pune to New Delhi IndiGo flight at Lohegaon Airport, on Saturday, and was removed later on.
According to a report by The Times of India. the woman, named Surekha Singh, attacked her co-passengers - two siblings - Anvitika Borse and Aditya Borse during boarding after an altercation stemmed from disagreements over seating arrangements.
The crew called in for CISF assistance, following which constables Priyanka Reddy (26) and Sonika Pal were dispatched to handle the situation.
But, Surekha responded aggressively and slapped and bit constable Reddy.
According to TOI, the woman, who is a homemaker, was restrained and removed from the aircraft along with her husband, and handed over to the airport police.
A case of voluntarily causing hurt and assault or use of criminal force to obstruct a public servant from performing his/her duty has been filed by the airport police.
According to TOI, senior inspector Ajay Sankeshwari said, "We let her go after issuing her a notice asking her to join our probe as and when summoned."
A CISF official said, "It seems the woman had a medical emergency at home and was in a state of utter panic."
According to TOI, another CISF official said, "After the incident with the passengers, the pilot refused to fly her and told her to be deboarded, upon which the airline called us for help as she became even more angry and violent."
"When our constable was trying to escort her out of the aircraft, the woman bit her in a state of panic and rage. The airline and CISF representatives have given their statements to the Airport police authorities in this connection," the official further said.
According to the publication's report, Sankeshwari said, "The passenger boarding process was going on around 7.45am on Saturday when the couple entered the aircraft. The woman found two passengers sitting on their own reserved seats and flew into a rage by abusing them."
"When the co-passengers confronted her, she started kicking and punching them, prompting the in-flight crew to intervene and summon a CISF team. The authorities then took the couple to the airport police."
Published 19 August 2024, 01:52 IST