Hyderabad: Telangana Chief Minister A Revanth Reddy ordered the higher officials to hold a review of the progress in the works of the Regional Ring Road (RRR) on a daily basis. The officials have been asked to furnish the updated information of land acquisition and other issues regularly to him.
The Chief Minister reviewed the progress of the RRR works at the State Secretariat on Wednesday. The officials briefed Revanth Reddy about land acquisition and the statue of the works which have already been taken up in the northern part of the RRR.
CM Revanth Reddy asked the Collectors of the districts, which covers Northern and Southern part of the Regional Ring Road, to brief the Chief Secretary on the progress of the works, land acquisition and other issues every evening.
The CM wanted the land acquisition should be taken up in a transparent manner. He ordered officials to start land acquisition for RRR southern part on Sangareddy-Amangal-Shadnagar-Choutuppal (189.20 km) stretch.
Since the land acquisition in the northern part has already been completed to a large extent, the Chief minister said the land acquisition in the southern part should be started.
Revanth Reddy asked the authorities to discuss with the central government if any technical or other problems arise regarding this road development and complete the works simultaneously. He examined the entire map of RRR on Google Map and suggested some changes in the proposed alignment of the southern part.
The Chief Minister asserted that the alignment should be done by taking the future needs into consideration in a transparent way. The officials have been asked to conduct a field visit and submit a comprehensive report regarding the changes suggested by him.
The Chief Minister also gave several instructions to the officials regarding the construction of radial roads in the proposed Future City. Before the construction of roads, they should be connected to the main roads everywhere, the CM said, asking the officials to take precautions to ensure smooth travel without signal and other problems.
The radial roads should be suitable to connect the ORR and RRR and also useful for the upcoming industries and organizations in the future city.
Published 21 August 2024, 14:04 IST