In July 2021, WhatsApp detailed the new multi-device feature coming to its messenger app. In the following month, it released a new WhatsApp beta update bringing support for iPad.
While multi-device testing is going very well on the WhatsApp beta programme, the company is now seeking feedback directly from the public.
It has added a separate join button in WhatsApp on both Android and iOS devices. Users can find the 'Multi-device Beta' in the settings.
Just go to Settings >> Linked Devices>> scroll down >> Multi-device Beta >> join
How multi-device support works on WhatsApp
With the new feature, WhatsApp users will be able to link five devices including one phone linked to a registered mobile number.
An important aspect is the chat history will be synced on all four companion devices even if the phone has lost connection to the internet. This will greatly help in boosting productivity particularly for those working at home, which has become new normal thanks to the Covid-19 outbreak.
The company says that it has developed an advanced architecture for multi-device support that doesn't compromise the security of the user's Whatsapp account and yet offers a seamless experience and doesn't miss out on any latest notifications on any of the five devices. Also, makes it easy to deliver a seamlessly synchronized experience between a phone and companion device without compromising on security. Also, chat history will be in sync with all devices and transfer happens fast and well-protected with encryption at all times.
It also noted that the engineers have addressed the challenge of preventing a malicious or compromised server from eavesdropping on someone’s communications by illegally adding devices to someone’s account.
This will help in thwarting identity thefts and also need not worry of primary phone losing connectivity or battery dying. Users will be able to access the latest messages on four other devices.
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