
LeT's annual operations budget is USD 5.2 million

Last Updated : 03 May 2018, 04:55 IST
Last Updated : 03 May 2018, 04:55 IST

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Funds are raised through a variety of sources mainly from private donations, NGOs, madrassas and business spread throughout South Asia, the Middle East and Europe, a non-paper prepared by the American intelligence says.

The information in the non-paper was shared with the Pakistan Government in August 2009 at the direction of Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, leaked US diplomatic cables have revealed.

The new reports of funding of terror outfits like LeT come as WikiLeaks quoting diplomatic documents said Saudi Arabia was the key source for funding of radical Islamist groups including LeT, Al Qaeda, Taliban and Hamas.

Other Gulf States like Qatar, Kuwait and UAE were reported to be lax in pursuing wealthy Sheiks who contributed money to these groups. The findings are contained in a series of American diplomatic documents spanning a period of several years, which depict the tough task Washington faces to shut down the tap of terror funding, much of which comes from wealthy donors.

Contrary to denials, the document said that Hafiz Saeed continues to lead both the LeT and its front organisation Jamaat-ud-Dawa and that some of the funds collected in the name of charitable activities have been used for planning terror attacks.

The leaks said that US intelligence assesses that Saeed and operations chief of LeT Zaki-ur-Rehman Lakhvi continued to run the organisation despite being detained for their role in the Mumbai attacks.

The non-paper was used by Clinton to convey to Pakistan her decision to oppose de-listing of JuD and its leader from the UN sanctions' list. "We also judge that they have planned, directed, and executed LeT attacks throughout South Asia and likely have used some funds collected in the name of JuD's charitable activities to support multiple LeT terrorist operations, including the November Mumbai attacks," it said.

"The Community assesses that Saeed continues to lead both organisations. However, the Community is unable to assess to what extent senior JuD leaders such as Saeed are involved in specific terrorist operations or the level of detail to which they are knowledgeable about specific past and pending attacks," it said.

It says as of mid-July, Lakhvi was responsible for the LeT's operations budget of Pakistani Rupees 365 million that is approximately USD 5.2 million per year. He reportedly used the money to purchase all materials required for LeT operations other than weapons and ammunition, according to a source claiming direct and ongoing access to LeT leaders, the non-paper said.

"The Community assesses that JuD fundraising has relied heavily on private donations, non-governmental organisations (NGOs), madrassas, and businesses spread throughout South Asia, the Middle East, and Europe.

"Some of JuD's budget, using funds raised both from witting donors and by fraud, is dedicated to social services or humanitarian relief projects, while some is used to finance LeT operations," it said.

Published 06 December 2010, 10:19 IST

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