Today's Horoscope - October 30, 2023: Check horoscope for all sun signs
Published 29 October 2023, 18:41 IST
Money may slip through your fingers. Talk to those in a position of power about your intentions. You should try to socialize with clients or the bigwigs of your company today. Being a wallflower doesn’t cut it! Lucky Colour: Coral. Lucky Number: 2
Tie up your personal papers or push to have legal settlements completed. Luck is with you. You know that change is in the air, but you're not quite sure how to deal with it. Lucky Colour: Coffee. Lucky Number: 4
Your charismatic personality will make you the centre of attention at social events today. Try to avoid stressful confrontations or situations that demand too much of you today. You are feeling moody, and overwhelmed by your daily routine. Your imagination is stimulated. Lucky Colour: White. Lucky Number: 5
Be tolerant, but don't let anyone take you for granted. You may find yourself making a good deal. Mars activates your career, but beware of detractors out to cause trouble. Lucky Colour: Aubergine. Lucky Number: 6
A quiet restful day to be spent in bed or catching up on reading. The day favours domestic interests. Start a health regime today, as you have been highly stressed and overworked recently. Lucky Colour: Cream. Lucky Number: 7
A romance could deepen into a commitment for the single, while a partner or spouse brings luck and charm today. Important faces are around today who can help you make the most of current situations. Lucky Colour: Olive. Lucky Number: 3
Your judgement has not been your best friend as it's led you to make decisions which may not have been in your best interests. People you meet today can help you to reverse their effects. Lucky Colour: Ivory. Lucky Number: 8
Your emotions work overtime and you may end up accusing your close ones of things they have not done. Slow down or you will end up ruining a relationship. The day could reveal important information about so-called friends. Lucky Colour: Mango. Lucky Number: 1
Stand up for yourself before you end up falling over due to stress. Remember your strengths and draw on them. Careful what you say about other people's lives, you could end up giving away information you shouldn't. Lucky Colour: Lilac. Lucky Number: 9
Not a day to make changes at work or demand new responsibilities. Better to accept what is offered and avoid conflict. Circulate and Participate in social events so you will have visibility. Lucky Colour: Magenta. Lucky Number: 5
You can make wonderful contributions to any organization that you join. You can certainly gain popularity; however, don't do it by paying for everyone else. Expand your knowledge and sign up for courses and seminars. Lucky Colour: Carnation. Lucky Number: 4
Make sure that you are not judging new faces on the standards which others kept to in your past. Partners mean well, but are temperamental and difficult to get along with. Lucky Colour: Orange. Lucky Number: 7
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