
QHT Clinic Sets New Benchmark in Hair Restoration Solution in India - Innovative procedure and long-lasting results

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Quick Hair Transplant (QHT) technology has completely revolutionized the hair restoration segment. This cutting-edge technique delivers unmatched results and significantly enhances the patient experience.

QHT Clinic is one of the most reputed clinics offering exceptional hair restoration and hair transplant treatment in India. As the name of the clinic suggests, QHT clinic uses the QHT technique, a precision surgery that delivers fantastic results for patients wishing to regain their lost hair. The QHT technique uses cutting-edge technology to deliver viable and long-lasting results. The spokesperson of the clinic states, "Unlike traditional hair transplant methods, the QHT procedure uses an exceptionally advanced technique that promises natural-looking results with minimal recovery time and is virtually painless."

Elaborating on the key advanced features of the QHT technique (Quick Hair transplant) that distinguish it from others in the field.

·QHT utilizes state-of-the-art robotic technology to extract and implant hair follicles with exceptional precision carefully. It ensures that each follicle is placed according to the natural growth pattern of the patient's hair, resulting in a seamless blend that makes the transplant virtually undetectable.

·One of the key benefits of QHT is its minimally invasive nature, which, combined with robotic technology, contributes to its high success rate.

·The QHT procedure has an impressive success rate, mainly due to the meticulous approach taken during both follicle extraction and implantation.

·Transplanted follicles' survival rate is significantly higher than traditional methods, ensuring long-lasting and natural-looking hair growth.

· Comfort and convenience are also prioritized in the QHT procedure. The use of local anesthesia ensures a shorter procedure time and minimal discomfort both during and after the transplant, enhancing the overall patient experience.

Ms. Vishaka Goyal, the co-founder of ClinicSpots, a healthcare and doctor discovery portal, has observed and stated, "The QHT Clinic offers excellent hair transplant procedures and treatments. They are well-versed in the latest techniques, including QHT. Apart from regaining natural hair, patients experience swift recovery after the QHT procedure. They can resume normal activities within just a few days."

An experienced hair transplant surgeon who has been working in this field for many years, emphasizes that "Male pattern baldness is a disorder that can be treated in various ways. Most treatment techniques are effective when hair loss is in its early stages. For patients experiencing terminal hair loss, a hair transplant may be the only option."

The clinic recalls the case of a 38-year-old young entrepreneur, who consulted them for his hair loss issues. He stated that the hair loss also affected his self-esteem and confidence.

The head surgeon and medical team at the QHT Clinic first counseled him. Then, after a series of tests and analyses, they suggested a hair transplantation procedure. The doctor confidently presented the QHT Technique as an advanced version of FUE. The patient trusted the doctor’s recommendation and consented to the procedure.

This cutting-edge process involves extracting hair grafts using superfine Cole punches with a small diameter to minimize scarring. The doctor and his team created the site for hair transplants using CTS blades. They then used SAVA implanters to precisely angulate the grafts. A year later, the patient regained his total natural hair growth with renewed self-confidence.

Haridwar is a preferred tourist destination. Many tourists opt for hair transplant procedures at the QHT Clinic. These procedures are holistic and include attempts to redefine the hairline and the patient's personality. Everyone at the QHT Clinic strives hard to deliver bespoke service to every patient seeking treatment.

For more details and an appointment, contact the QHT clinic at:

QHT Clinic, Dehradun, Uttarakhand

40 Km from Dehradun Airport: in the Lap of the Himalayas,

near the Ganges, Dehradun – Haridwar,

Dehradun Delhi Highway

Uttarakhand 249407

About QHT Clinic

The QHT clinic is known for its consistency in hair transplant treatment and quick recovery time. It is synonymous with an excellent success rate, especially celebrities and leading personalities.

The clinic boasts of modernized infrastructure in the serene city of Haridwar. At QHT Clinic, advanced infrastructure facilitates the delivery of natural-looking hair transplants by proficient medical professionals.

Each phase of the hair restoration procedure at QHT Clinic embodies steadfast dedication to precision, innovation, and the highest standards of care. QHT Clinic offers the most comprehensive approach to hair restoration and renewed self-esteem and confidence.

This article is part of a featured content programme.
Published 24 May 2024, 07:05 IST

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