Bengaluru: Startup accelerator Conquest, BITS Pilani hosted its finale on Demo Day 2024 in Bengaluru on Sunday. The 20th edition of this flagship event brought together over 300 attendees, including investors, industry leaders, and emerging startups, all vying for equity-free grants totaling over Rs 25 lakhs.
The programme saw over 3000 startup applications and $300 thousand worth of resource credits. On Demo Day, select startups presented their innovations before a jury panel consisting of angel investors, venture capitalists, and industry veterans.
The climax of Demo Day was the announcement of the equity-free grant winners Angirus IND, a sustainable construction materials startup and Prodancy Pvt Ltd, which develops protective ergonomic healthcare products. Qlan, a social discovery app for the gaming community, was named the runner-up.
Published 14 August 2024, 20:43 IST