
One in three women 'main earner' in Britain

Last Updated : 03 May 2018, 04:25 IST

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Working Women, a survey report commissioned by car insurer Sheilas' Wheels, has found that 29 per cent of working women earned the most cash in their household.

In fact, 44 per cent of men in the UK would now happily stay at home to look after the family and household to let their partners bring home the bacon, according to the survey of more than 1,000 men and women.

The poll found 86 per cent of men are "comfortable" with their other halves earning more than them -- with 54 per cent even willing to put their career on the backseat so that their partners can keep working, the 'Daily Express' reported.

One-in-five men considers money to be the driving force for his career. This is in contrast to one-in-eight women who considers a big salary to be the most important and just under one-in-five who says being passionate about her job is top of their list.

The survey also found that more than a million career -hungry women would choose job success over a relationship.

Jacky Brown, of Sheilas' Wheels, was quoted by the British tabloid as saying, "It is great to see evidence of an emerging breed of ambitious and aspirational women in today's society."
Separate research has found that although the gender gap may have lessened, there was no change to who does the housework. Researchers have found 55 per cent of women in a dual-income relationship still do all the housework

Published 29 October 2010, 04:58 IST

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