
Conscience: God's inspiration to everybody

Last Updated : 20 January 2011, 14:53 IST

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The well being of both these facets is essential for a successful life but the well being of the spiritual facet is paramount as the life of the soul is eternal while that of the body is fleeting.

The good thing is that providence has blessed us with an internal guiding system which we call ‘Conscience.’ It is the inner sense of what is right or wrong in one's conduct or motives, impelling one toward right.

Conscience is common to all people as intrinsically values are absolute. The reason lies in the source of conscience: it is the inspiration of God. The Islamic concept of Taqwa is closely related to conscience. In the Qur’an verses 91:7–8, God talks about how he has perfected the soul, the conscience, and has taught it the wrong and right. Hence, the awareness of vice and virtue is pre-built into the mechanism of the soul.

One of the most important aspects of conscience is that it helps man to find what is right of his own accord. Conscience will surely show man what is right, even if nobody else will. When one does something wrong, deep in his heart he feels guilty and when he does some good he feels a queer sense of pleasure and satisfaction.

So, what matters for man is to take recourse to his own conscience, listen to what it says, and act upon it. For this reason, we can say that conscience is the main component of religion.

One important thing to note is that when a blessing is best owed upon us it is incumbent upon us to use it acknowledging its worth and benefit and never disregard it. Otherwise that blessing will lose its benefit.

The same applies for the gift of our ‘Conscience.’ As long as we take recourse to it, listen to what it says, and act upon it then it never stops benefiting us but if we were to disregard it and go against the dictates of our own conscience then gradually our conscience begins to corrupt and finally we lose the distinction between right and wrong.

Conscience and common sense are given to everyone but their use is not common.

Published 20 January 2011, 14:53 IST

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