
'Even thin people have to exercise'

Last Updated : 20 March 2014, 13:07 IST

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If you think that exercise is meant only for those who are heavily built, think again. Thanks to the hectic lifestyle of today, exercising at least thrice a week, if not on a daily basis, is not just meant for the obese.

Fitness experts and doctors are now advising even thin people to engage themselves in some physical activity or the other. Roshni Venkatesan, who works for 14 to 15 hours a day, says that the sedentary nature of her job requires her to devote some time to exercise.

“Walking is the best way to stay fit. It helps in building immunity as well. Since my job involves long hours of sitting in one place, I try to do some exercises at home and even go for a brisk walk,” she says.

Anya D’Souza, who regularly works out at a gym, says that she needs her dose of exercise to feel energetic. “I do cardio, weights and spinning. On the days that I don’t exercise, I don’t feel bright. Plus, since I’m prone to putting on weight, I  prefer to take precautions,” she says.

 Sandesh, an HR professional who ensures he exercises on a daily basis, says that it is the best stress-buster. “I was never overweight but I decided that I should build up my muscles. Excercising has several benefits and keeps health issues at bay. Heading to the gym helps me stay calm,” he says. Ajmal Ahamed, a fitness expert, feels that due to today’s hurried and stressed lifestyle, exercise is a must on a daily basis.

“Nowadays, our lifestyle and food habits are such that some form of exercise is necessary. If one wants to cut down on hospital expenses, it is necessary to include walking in the schedule. Previously, it was presumed that only those who are fat or obese have to exercise to cut down on weight. But now, even thin people have to exercise to keep diseases at bay,” he explains.

According to Dr V Shankar, a consultant at Manipal Northside Hospital in Malleswaram, it’s high time that the myth is busted.    “Irrespective of their physical attributes, everyone has to indulge in some form of physical activity. This is more important for youngsters since many of them don’t lead a healthy lifestyle,” he says, adding, “Ideally, one should exercise for 45 minutes.

However, it is important not to over-exert yourself.” The doctor suggests that cycling, football, volleyball and dancing are some fun ways to stay healthy. 

Published 20 March 2014, 13:07 IST

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