
For old times' sake

Nostalgic moments
Last Updated : 26 June 2016, 18:38 IST

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There was a whiff of nostalgia in the air and everyone was transported back to their school days.

    The Old Cottonians’ Ball that was held, in the city, recently marked the 89th reunion of the alumni of Bishop Cotton Boys’ School and Bishop Cotton Girls’ School.

   The event saw over 1,000 old Cottonians from different batches relive their memories at the JW Marriott over the weekend.

The Ball is a sequel to the successful  Sesquicentennial Celebrations (150th year celebrations) of Bishop Cotton Boys’ School and Bishop Cotton Girls’ School.

Vivek Chandrasekhar, an alumni of 1975 batch, who is a technology consultant, says he has been attending the reunions almost every year. “This school taught us discipline, values and principles, that has helped us in our life. We also had some brilliant teachers.” “I get to meet all my old classmates. In fact, we have even made a WhatsApp group, so that we can coordinate and meet more often. But this is one event that we never miss; my friends from different parts of the world com,” he says.

Asked whether it is difficult to talk to the younger lot milling about, he says, “It is the simplest thing to strike a conversation with fellow Cottonians from different batches. We start by mentioning our batch and then the conversation just starts flowing. The idea behind such an event is to connect with everybody — young and old.“

Akansha, Vishnu, Simran and Eleanor, from the 2016 batch, talk about how such events celebrate the concept of being a Cottonian.  “It is a great feeling to talk to your seniors who have so much of an experience. It is nice to keep in touch with people from the extended Cottonian family,” says Vishnu. “It is a nice opportunity to meet people who have passed on the legacy to us. We feel as if we are part of a big family,” says Eleanor.
Prem Varkey, from the batch of 1976, is firm that he wouldn’t miss this event for anything. Initially, a treasurer for over 12 years, he is presently serving his second year as chairman of the Old Cottonians’ Association. 

He says “Such events are all about connecting with each other. It is just enough for someone to mention your house name (in school) for the memories to come flooding back. I was telling my teachers that the boys may not attend the classes regularly while in school but give them 30 years and they will come searching for you. That is what nostalgia does.” 

An engineer based in the city, he mentions that his batch will be celebrating their 40th year of graduation in the month of September this year.

For Radha and Suchitra, alumni from the 1978 and the 1977 batch respectively, such events are a chance to relive their friendship which they have kept alive since their Kindergarten days. A friendship, they say, which is strengthened by their love for basketball. They say, “We come every year. It is nice to meet your classmates and teachers once again.”

Jagan Muthanna, from the 1950 batch and one of the oldest members of the Association says, “It is a great pleasure to be associated with this school. My heart is with this school.”

The event saw old Cottonians from all over the world attend the Ball. Bengaluru-based band ‘Polly Wants a Cracker’ performed live. DJ Ivan kept everyone on their toes with his music.

Published 26 June 2016, 15:54 IST

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