
Need to reduce people's sufferings

Last Updated : 17 August 2015, 18:51 IST

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People’s suffering was one of the main reasons for the ruling UPA rout in the 2014 Lok Sabha election. According to Global Strategic Consultant, Gallop, a quarter of Indians were suffering in 2012. Between 2010 and 2013, the UPA government rolled out subsidy worth Rs 6,00,000 crore under various heads. But it failed to calm down people’s resentment.

Narendra Modi backed by Sangh Parivar’s dedicated members, channeled people’s suffering into a landslide Lok Sabha election victory. Though his NDA government has improved the country’s financial position a bit, the much promised “achhe din” is taking time.People’s suffering emanates from chronic policy delinquency, poor programme implementation, an aggressive populism due to the anxiety of losing election, corruption and poor governance.

Today’s farmers’ sufferings originated from poor credit end use, ground and surface water mismanagement, supply of spurious inputs to farmers, poor extension services, mindless commercialisation of crops, misuse of subsidy, a supply-driven approach and climate change triggered by an unsustainable form of market economy etc.

Natural calamities, middlemen infested supply chain, fake ground level data and politicisation of farmers’ societies etc aggravate human sufferings. Over the decades, politico business agents camouflage policy with human face only to boost business interests much to the dissatisfaction of people. As per the recent NSSO survey, Maharashtra and Telangana are ranked first and second in farmers’ suicide.

Both Maharashtra and undivided Andhra Pradesh have cornered two third of the Centre’s grant and subsidy as well as banks’ credit in the past decade. But farmers there suffer due to poor delivery mechanism. The majority of farmers across the country pay 18 to 24 per cent interest on loan to the intermediaries in the credit delivery mechanism. 

The NDA government has to fine tune the delivery mechanism, increase the collective bargaining capacity of farmers, depoliticise the cooperative bodies and introduce a satellite linked monitoring mechanism for all physical and natural infrastructures. The farm yard crisis has created 190 million undernourished population across the country. The International Food Policy Research Institute ranks India 120th out of 128 developing nations in terms of hunger.

More pain than relief
The health sector gives more pain than relief. As per the survey made by Medi Angel, a second opinion centre based in Mumbai, doctors with business motive advised 55 per cent of 20,000 patients for cardiac surgery and 47 per cent of the patients for cancer surgery. Dr Harsh Vardhan, the former Minister of Health and Family Welfare had reportedly said India’s health care system is riddled with corruption and the National Drug Approval Agency is a snake pit of vested interest.

India is home to the world’s largest number of organ failure patients. Food adulteration, late diagnosis and poor healthcare attribute to increase in organ failure cases. The poor and elderly people always receive the brunt. According to the Global Age Watch Index, India ranks 73rd out of 91 countries in elderly care and 75 per cent of elderly population needs better geriatric care and facilities in rural areas.

Mental suffering scores over physical suffering. Erosion of family values, breakdown of joint family system, large scale migration of youth to urban centres for small jobs, disappearance of finer human emotions like love, sympathy and fellow feelings add to human suffering. A study on abuse of the elderly conducted by Help Age India across 20 cities found 32 per cent of the elderly people face abuse. The study also found sons as the main abusers followed by daughter in laws.

Lack of inclusive opportunity in education, sports, politics and in other professions let people suffer mentally and trigger flight of talent to foreign nations. Corruption, lack of transparency in selection, lack of quality sports facilities and job opportunities dissuade youth from pursuing sport as a career.

Career progress in organisations mainly depends on personal relationship with corporate and political boss and not on quality work. The British-created “yes men” culture continues to affect governance. Our judiciary and police can give lots of relief to people if they undergo rigorous reform. The BJP and its parivar’s foot soldiers have to really work hard for achhe din before the opposition turns the table against the Modi sarkar.

Published 17 August 2015, 18:50 IST

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