
Queen caught driving without seat belt

Last Updated : 14 June 2010, 06:58 IST
Last Updated : 14 June 2010, 06:58 IST

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Queen Elizabeth drove her Jaguar away from a polo match in Windsor without wearing the belt, and The Daily Mail caught her on camera.

She was not on a pubic road, but even if she was, the chance of her getting a ticket was a zero.

Such driving is against the law, but a reigning monarch cannot be found guilty of it.
As British courts are established on her behalf, the Queen cannot be a defendant in one -- as it would mean she was prosecuting herself.

The Queen is also the only person in Britain who is permitted to drive without a licence and is not obliged to have registration plates on her vehicles.

For ordinary motorists, the fine for not wearing a seatbelt is 60 pounds. It was doubled from 30 pounds last year after the Home Office admitted the fine was not acting as enough of a deterrent.

The Queen, 84, is said to enjoy driving. During World War II, she was a member of the Auxiliary Transport Service.

Published 14 June 2010, 06:58 IST

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