Actor Sushant Singh feels that aspiring actors should take up part-time jobs during the ‘pre-break period’ to avoid being dependent on the film industry for a living. Speaking to DH, he said that it is important for newcomers to say ‘no’ to offers that are not up to the mark.
“It is your ability to say no that makes your career,” he added
The Hate Story 2 actor is gearing up for the release of the web series A Simple Murder, slated to stream on SonyLIV from Friday (November 20). He said that he took up the black comedy as it has a wacky storyline and is a complete departure from anything he has seen or done in the past.
Sushant, who is known for essaying intense characters, revealed that he found comedy to be difficult as he has not done 'much of it' in his career.
“Doing comedy is quite hard but the whole process becomes a lot easier if you have the right atmosphere and work with the right people,” the actor added.
Like some of his peers, Sushant feels that OTT is the best medium for an actor and helps one evolve as a performer.
“OTT is like an open field. Most shows have multiple layers and character graphs. In a way, a web show is like an expanded movie,” said the star.
His comments come at a time with actors such as Pankaj Tripathi (Mirzapur), Manoj Bajpayee (The Family Man) and Saif Ali Khan (Sacred Games) have scaled new heights with their work in popular web shows.
Sushant, who began his acting career with Ram Gopal Varma’s Satya, has impressed fans with negative and character roles. The Phailwaan actor said that he received a lot of offers to play lead roles but did not take them up.
“RGV told me that a newcomer can become a hero if he gets a good script or receives an offer from a big production house. Things did not work out that way for me,” he added