Bengaluru: The Jayaprakash Narayan Vichara Vedike on Thursday requested the state government to keep the Raj Bhavan, the official residence of the Governor, open to the public as it did in the case of the Mysore Palace.
"Keeping the Mysore Palace open to the public has not only boosted tourism, but has encouraged engineers, architects and history buffs to study the architecture. Similar access should be given to the Raj Bhavan, which was built six decades prior to the Mysore Palace," the forum has said.
BM Shivakumar, president of the forum, said the public had access to the Raj Bhavan when VS Ramadevi was the governor. "It is unfortunate that now people cannot visit the Raj Bhavan, which is being maintained with taxpayers’ money," he said.
Published 09 August 2024, 03:47 IST