
PM Modi's rating falls due to 'ineffective handling' of Covid-19

It also showed that people were appreciative of the government's handling of the first Covid-19 wave and the recovery of the economy
hemin Joy
Last Updated : 17 August 2021, 08:16 IST
Last Updated : 17 August 2021, 08:16 IST
Last Updated : 17 August 2021, 08:16 IST
Last Updated : 17 August 2021, 08:16 IST

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The Narendra Modi government has witnessed an 11 percentage point decline in citizen rating in its second year majorly owing to the "ineffective handling" of Covid-19, according to a survey.

The Local Circles survey, covering around 1.69 lakh responses from around 70,000 people, claimed that 51 per cent citizens surveyed rate Modi government 2.0 as meeting or exceeding their expectations -- a drop from 61 per cent in May 2020 and 75 per cent in March 2019.

While the survey pointed to the "ineffective handling" of the Covid-19 second wave as the "primary driver" for drop in the rating, it also claimed that there is reduction in harassment by tax officials, making easier to start up and reduction in terrorism are areas of positive rating.

It also showed that people were appreciative of the government's handling of the first Covid-19 wave and the recovery of the economy.

For regaining citizen confidence, the survey suggested that it was critical for the government to orchestrate a successful recovery from the second wave, ramping up vaccination and effectively preparing for future waves.

According to the survey, 21 per cent said the government exceeded expectations while 30 per cent were of the view that it met their expectations. However, 49 per cent felt it had not been the case.

On the handling of Covid-19 second wave, 32 per cent said the government "quite poorly" handled the situation while 18 per cent were of the view that it was not effective. Another 27 per cent were impressed with government interventions ranking its efforts as very effective while 22 per cent felt that it was somewhat effective.

When citizens were asked about the development, procurement, distribution, appointments, roll out and administration of the Covid-19 vaccine, the survey claimed, only 55 per cent of citizens believe that the Government handled it well.

"66 per cent of citizens believe that the Government has effectively handled the economic recovery post the 1st wave of the Covid-19 pandemic. However, wrong priorities, lack of preparedness, and indecisiveness led to significant damage in the Covid 2nd wave that has dented the confidence of a section of the population in the government," it said.

On the unemployment issue, 61 per cent were of the view that the government has not been able to address it while 27 per cent said it managed.

More than half of those responded -- 51 per cent -- said they don't believe that corruption has reduced in the last two years while 39 per cent were of the view that the government has been successful.

When it comes to India's image and influence over the world, 59 per cent felt it has improved during Modi 2.0 while 35 per cent answered in the negative.

While 61 per cent believed that the Modi government has been able to effectively handle Parliament and deliver on key bills, 33 per cent felt otherwise.

Asked whether the prices of essential commodities and cost of living have reduced in the past two years, a whopping 77 per cent answered "no" while 19 per cent answered in the affirmative.

Published 28 May 2021, 10:45 IST

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