In a video from a news channel shared by Yadav on X on Friday, Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) MLA Chaudhary from Mathura district's Mant area is heard saying, "There is no doubt that Mayawati has been the chief minister of UP four times and it was us (BJP) who made her the chief minister for the first time. We made that mistake".
"Mayawati is the most corrupt chief minister of Uttar Pradesh," Chaudhary goes on to say in the video.
Condemning these remarks, Yadav in a post in Hindi on X on Friday said, "Political differences have their place but no one has the right to tarnish her (Mayawati's) dignity as a woman. BJP members are saying that making her chief minister was a mistake, which is also an insult to public opinion in a democratic country." "Furthermore, making baseless allegations that she was the most corrupt chief minister is highly objectionable. A defamation case should be filed against the BJP legislator for this public statement," he added.
The SP chief said the "disrespectful remarks" made by the BJP legislator towards Mayawati reflect the "deep-seated bitterness that BJP members harbour towards women, especially those from marginalised and oppressed communities".
Yadav said that by sheltering such MLAs, the BJP is deeply hurting the dignity of women.
"If the BJP does not take immediate disciplinary action against such people, it will be assumed that this is not just the personal opinion of one legislator but the view of the entire party," the former Uttar Pradesh chief minister said in the post.
Published 24 August 2024, 08:23 IST