
Sivasankar to release autobiography on gold smuggling accusations, ordeal

Sivasankar tells in the book that he was being haunted and alleges that the additional solicitor general lied in the court to oppose his bail pleas
Last Updated : 03 February 2022, 14:18 IST
Last Updated : 03 February 2022, 14:18 IST
Last Updated : 03 February 2022, 14:18 IST
Last Updated : 03 February 2022, 14:18 IST

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Kerala Chief Minister Pinarayi Vijayan's former secretary M Sivasankar, who was accused in the gold smuggling case involving UAE consulate officials, is bringing out an autobiography on the ordeals he faced.

Sivasankar tells in the book that he was being haunted and alleges that the additional solicitor general lied in the court to oppose his bail pleas.

The autobiography titled Aswathamavu: Verum Oru Aana (Aswathama is just an elephant) will be released soon. DC Books in bringing out the autobiography, portions of which were published in a vernacular magazine.

Sivasankar tells that he was ditched by the key accused in the gold smuggling case, Swapna Suresh, by presenting him a costly mobile phone. He says that he was shell-shocked when he came to know about Suresh's involvement in gold smuggling.

She sought his help to release 'diplomatic baggage' from customs authorities of Thiruvananthapuram airport. But he refused to intervene, says Sivasankar, who was recently reinstated to service and posted as principal secretary of sports and youth affairs.

Sivasankar also denied the charges that he helped Suresh, who was a former employee of the UAE consulate in Thiruvananthapuram, get a suitable posting at the Space Park under the state government.

Sivasankar was arrested by the central agencies in October 2020 and he got bail last February. The release of his autobiography also coincides with his one year of release.

Sivasankar, who joined state service as deputy collector and later conferred with IAS in 1995, had a clean track record, due to which the charges against him in the gold and dollar smuggling case was surprising for many. Even after his arrest, many had posted messages on social media backing him.

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Published 03 February 2022, 14:18 IST

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