Today's Horoscope – March 04, 2024: Check horoscope for all sun signs
Published 03 March 2024, 18:52 IST
ARIES: (Mar 21 - Apr 20):  People around you are in a feisty mood, so back off. You can do without the drama. At work you need to put in more than adequate work, you have to be excellent so you can get across to your boss who seems to be at his demanding best. Lucky Colour: Jade Lucky Number: 7
TAURUS: (Apr 21 - May 21): You will be viewed as a sensitive, compassionate individual and others will ask you for advice. But make sure that you gently steer them to the right perspective but don’t advice. Look into ways of making extra cash. Lucky Colour: red Lucky Number: 2
GEMINI: (May 22 - Jun 21): You have bitten off more than you can chew, and you are overworked. Consequently, you are tired and cranky. Keep control of what you speak to your partner, though at work you do need to voice your opinions clearly. Lucky Colour:   Green    Lucky Number:  5
CANCER: (Jun 22 - Jul 22): The day could bring an easy answer to a substantial problem. Your personal charm may be more effective than any power of intellect or logic. Connect on a personal level, break through a major barrier, and find a new solution to an old problem. Lucky Colour: Mustard             Lucky Number: 3
LEO:  (Jul 23 -Aug 21): This is not the day to be extravagant. Or make big donations – just see to your own needs first, before you turn philanthropic. Not everyone will be pleased with your plans. Investments plans bear fruit in a while. Lucky Colour: Apricot   Lucky Number: 6
VIRGO: (Aug 22 - Sept 23): You have the gift of the gab and you have the ability to motivate others. You could have quite a fan following due to your prowess with words. You are easy-going by nature but don't let anyone take you for granted today. Lucky colour:  green      Lucky Number: 8
LIBRA: (Sept 24 - Oct 23): You are a very family-oriented person and will go out of your way to maintain peace at home. But your elder sibling – a brother or a sister is pulling you in for a very unnecessary quarrel. Best to talk it over and clear the air. A lucky day with a fun outing at the end. Lucky Colour: Opal            Lucky  Number: 4
SCORPIO: (Oct 24 - Nov 22): A good day to redecorate your house, relocate or buy property. A friend whom you thought had your bets interests at heart is not proving to be so trustworthy. You could clarify the situation though. Lucky Colour:   Coffee               Lucky Number: 1
SAGITTARIUS: (Nov23 - Dec 22): The day could bring an easy answer to a substantial problem. Your personal charm may be more effective than any power of intellect or logic. Connect on a personal level, break through a major barrier, and find a new solution to an old problem. Lucky Colour: Beige Lucky Number: 7
CAPRICORN: (Dec23 - Jan 20): Today you may get to hear about an investment plan that interests you. A savings scheme is good, but clarify all the pertinent points and read the fine print before you sign on the dotted line. A loved one is elusive, and your nerves are a bit frayed. Lucky Colour: Amber Lucky Number: 9
AQUARIUS: (Jan 21 - Feb 19): You are meticulous in your work, and the plan or proposal you present today will earn you big rewards. Plan your approach wisely and direct your energy wisely. Romance takes a back-seat today as you are so goal-oriented. Lucky Colour: Ivory Lucky Number: 5
PISCES: (Feb 20- Mar 20): Try not to let small distractions get in the way of the important task ahead of you at work, when someone tries to side-track you from being objective and attentive. It could be a colleague who may not have your best interest at heart. It's in your best interests to stay as focused as possible. Lucky Colour: Scarlet    Lucky Number: 6
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