
Charm of racing alive and bright even in winter

Last Updated : 23 January 2016, 19:00 IST
Last Updated : 23 January 2016, 19:00 IST

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The winter edition of the Bangalore Derby turned out to be festival of frenzied crowds from disparate backgrounds, brought together by their passion for the sport.

The 15,000-odd crowd were treated to some nail-biting finishes with the highlight being an unlikely win for Angel Dust in the Garuda Bangalore Derby.

Betting counters were busy with individuals laying multiple bets but the unpredictable nature of the sport dug holes in the pockets of an unfortunate few.

Manjunath G, an auto driver, said, “I have been visiting the race course on a regular basis for the last few years as this is a sport that excites me. With betting, it’s all a game of chance. At the last derby, I made a profit but this time around I have lost close to Rs 1500.”

While Manjunath did not have a great day, others had their fortunes headed in the right direction. And this was evident by the cheers from the galleries and viewing booths that echoed around the track.

Sudarshan Sampath, a business consultant who has witnessed the last three derbys said he had made a tidy profit by playing safe.

“Betting is always exciting, even more so when you make a profit.
“I ended the day Rs 3000 in the good.”

A glimpse of the latest fashion trends was also visible at the course, with fans of all ages turning up in their best attire to grab the eyeballs.

Published 23 January 2016, 19:00 IST

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