
CSI urges IOC to pull up IOA on Kalmadi issue

Last Updated : 05 March 2012, 16:28 IST
Last Updated : 05 March 2012, 16:28 IST

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With the International Olympic Commitee seeking a response from the Indian Olympic Association on its inability to take action against its CWG scam-tainted president Suresh Kalmadi, Clean Sports India (CSI), a movement started by sportspersons, is piling on the pressure.

CSI will be sending an appeal, enclosed with all newspaper cuttings condemning IOA’s inaction, to the IOC to put more pressure on the present IOA dispensation and make it more accountable. A signature campaign in this regard was held at the Sree Kanteerava stadium on Monday, with former athletes Ashwini Nachappa, Reeth Abraham, HD Eashan, former basketballer Nandini Basappa and former swimmer Nisha Millet, among others, present to lend their support.

CSI vice-president Ashwini said the campaign was an effort by sportspersons to make the IOC aware of the failings of the IOA. “There has to be some questioning, people who have been involved in corruption must be brought to book. Since the IOA is not doing anything about it, it’s time the international community takes notice.’’    

Ashwini added that the officials at the heart of the corruption scandal should be debarred from any sporting activity as having a clean administration was critical for the future of Indian sport. About 200 signatures were received by the group on Monday, Ashwini revealed, and said more were expected from hockey players participating in the World Series Hockey, swimmers at the Basavanagudi Aquatic Centre and badminton players at the KBA.

Bangalore is the third city to play a part after Mumbai and Hyderabad. The campaign will next move to Chennai.

Published 05 March 2012, 16:28 IST

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