
Chinese mom busted for breastfeeding on moped

Last Updated : 05 September 2013, 15:51 IST
Last Updated : 05 September 2013, 15:51 IST

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Meals on wheels! A mom in China has been busted breastfeeding her baby as she rode a moped through busy roads, media reports said.

The 18-month-old boy was reportedly clinging on with his hands and lips as his mother weaved her way through busy traffic in Yuzhou, Henan Province.

The child was reportedly crying, and the mother responded by taking one hand off the bike to get ready to breastfeed.

"So she suddenly lifted up her T-shirt, whipped out her breast and started to feed him on the move," 'Orange News' quoted a startled driver as saying.

However, the impromptu meal earned the unidentified woman a ticking off from local police.

"She was risking her life, her son's life and the lives of all the other road users," said a police spokesman.

Police officers threatened to confiscate the bike if she repeated the act, the report said."We told her that if she carried on we would confiscate her bike," the spokesman said. 

Published 05 September 2013, 15:51 IST

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