
Dream dining

Last Updated : 24 April 2014, 13:40 IST
Last Updated : 24 April 2014, 13:40 IST

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In most homes, the idea of a separate room for dining is almost fading, thanks to our fast paced lives where we hardly have the time to have a relaxed dinner.
The result: slouching in front of the telly with our dinner plates. 

So, with TV dinners becoming the order of the day in most homes, a living room with a corner reserved for dining is a regular feature in city homes.

With a splash of creativity, such dining corners can be made inviting for the family to dine together. 

After all, a family that eats together, stays together.

Myths busted

To begin with, let’s do away with our pre-conceived notions about dining nooks — that it has to have either a rectangular or circular table with six to eight chairs arranged around it. 

Just give your living room a close look and decide on the design of the dining table in such a way that it complements the overall furnishing of the living room. 

While glass-topped round dining tables were a rage till recently, old-fashioned rectangular dining tables with a good coat of polish are back in fashion now. 

Even covering wooden dining tables with lacy table cloths do the trick. 

And, of course, not to forget stylish mats and coasters to top the table and lend the dining area a welcome look.

Then there are dining chairs. 

Elegant dining chairs and interesting upholstery too add to the beauty of the dining area. 

Fortunately for us, when it comes to choosing dining chairs, there’s a wide variety to choose from. 

From wooden chairs that lend that much-wanted rustic appeal to elegantly designed steel chairs with cushions for the back and seat, we are the masters of our choice. 

We could choose them keeping the style of the living room in mind — contemporary, simplistic or traditional. 

However, wooden chairs go well with any look. 

That’s the beauty of wood. 
When it comes to making our dining nooks gleam with glamour, it pays to lend a serious thought to the colour of the chair upholstery. 

The more contrasting in colour to the living room furniture it is, the better for the look of the dining area. The same colour scheme could be applied for the wall colours and crockery too.

Space for cutlery
The dining space is just an extension of the living room, agreed. However, some provision for the storage of cutlery and crockery should be made too, as it saves one the trouble of running up to the kitchen and back for small requirements during dinner, say, an extra spoon or some salt. 

For such purposes, wall cabinets, racks and shelves could be elegantly fitted into a corner close to the table. 
Yet again, these shelves and cabinets could be made to look elegant by placing a vase full of the choicest blooms to lend the dining nook a refreshing look. 

At times, especially when you have guests over, these cabinet tops can even double up as buffet tables. It sure is a creative idea, ain’t it?
Dinner is one meal of the day the family enjoys together. So, it pays to pull out all the stops to create the right ambience for it. 

And, we cannot think of the right ambience without proper lighting and appropriate wall colours. 

A soft dining lamp that hangs over the table does the trick. 

And, of course, a wall-mount fan near the dining area to make the dining experience cool and pleasurable. 

Talking of wall colours, bright colours, especially red, are the preferred choice, According to experts in colour therapy, bright colours stimulate conversation around the dinner table and red whets appetite! 

Get floored
Another element that’s of prime importance in making the dining space as comfortable as possible is the flooring. 

It is best to cover the dining space with a rug that’s comforting to our tired soles. 

While choosing the rug for the dining space, it is best to go in for one that’s easy to clean. For, spills and food crumbs are unavoidable in the dining space.

So, isn’t it about time you transformed your dining nooks into inviting corners? 

Go ahead, exercise your creative cells, and see the difference it makes to your dining experience.

Published 24 April 2014, 13:40 IST

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