
Former YES Bank senior president joins Rubique as COO

Last Updated : 03 April 2018, 11:40 IST
Last Updated : 03 April 2018, 11:40 IST

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Rubique, the online credit marketplace providing technology-enabled end-to-end solutions to financing needs of individuals and SMEs,  on Tuesday announced the appointment of  former YES Bank, Senior President and Chief Financial Inclusion Officer, Ajay Desai as COO.

Desai  is a veteran banker with over 20 years of experience and until recently, he was working as Senior President and Chief Financial Inclusion Officer of YES Bank, a company release said.

As Chief Operating Officer,  Desai will help enhance the company's reach into hereto unexplored segments, mainly the Missing Middle SME and untapped geographies, mainly Rurban.  The main focus would be deployment of technology interventions/solutions in these sectors to address the credit gap.

India is a credit deprived country and the credit gap is almost $300-$500 billion. Ajay will work closely with Manav Jeet, Managing Director and CEO, to ensure smooth functioning of the group's operations, develop synergies across businesses and drive performance.

Desai said, "India is one of the fastest growing FinTech markets in the world. With Rubique, I see a bigger opportunity to scale up, given its very well established FinTech Edge. Moreover, Rubique has a very strong focus on forming long term partnerships, revenue generation and cost-control, which is   rarely seen in any FinTech company."

Published 03 April 2018, 11:40 IST

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