
'Total digitization essential for progressive economy'

Last Updated : 04 July 2019, 10:20 IST
Last Updated : 04 July 2019, 10:20 IST

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By Deena Jacob

"While we have witnessed various steps towards boosting the startup environment and improving the ease of doing business, we still need to go a long way on tax, regulatory and digitisation aspects. Further steps to ease up the regulatory hurdles around the areas of financial inclusion and credit flow, enabling more technology-based innovation is the need of the hour. Physical touchpoints still required in banking and financial sectors dampen the efforts towards financial inclusion. Aggressive and faster measures towards total digitization with essential and relevant regulations in place is a must for a paperless progressive economy. Hope to see a focus on these aspects in the budget this time."

The author is the Co-founder of CFO & Head (Revenue and Growth) of Open

Published 04 July 2019, 10:20 IST

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