
Briton dies during fetish sex act

Last Updated : 09 October 2010, 10:26 IST

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Lionel Webster, 61, was wearing a Guantanamo Bay-style boiler suit, stockings, thigh-high leather boots, a blindfold and a balaclava when he suffocated as Anne
Richardson, 68, used a sex aid on him, The Sun reported.  Webster, a businessman who regularly paid Richardson and husband Colin, 75, 150 pounds for S&M sessions in their converted garage, had asked to be tortured as if he were a military prisoner, an inquest heard Friday.

After clamps and chains were applied to his nipples and genitals, dominatrix Richardson put a chain on his collar and fixed it to a roof beam.  She told the hearing: "He'd never worn the collar before. I put cuffs on him and fixed them to the frame.

"We started and then he made a funny noise. I asked him if he wanted to carry on and he said yes. Then his head went forward."  Richardson pressed a panic button installed in case sex games went wrong and her husband raced in.

They tried to lift dad-of-two Webster - but he was too heavy. And they could not release the collar because he had locked it and hidden the key in his orange boiler suit.  The couple, married for 49 years, dialled 999. Police later found ropes, whips, sex aids, leather thongs and bondage books in the den.

Webster's groin area had been shaved and a prison number inked on to his stomach.  Webster, a Sunday league soccer chairman, started secretly visiting the Richardsons at their quiet suburban home next to a primary school in Barlaston, Staffs, after spotting an advert in a fetish magazine.

On the day he died he told wife Jackie, 46, he was visiting an engraver. Anne Richardson told the inquest that Webster's fantasies all had a military theme.  She said: "It's been a nightmare. I never thought something like this would happen."

The couple were initially arrested but prosecutors said there was no crime. The coroner recorded a misadventure verdict.  Mums at the school near the Richardsons' home said they were stunned to hear of the bondage dungeon.

One said: "It was such a shock because this area is so quiet and well-to-do."

Published 09 October 2010, 10:26 IST

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