
Putting your thoughts randomly

Last Updated : 20 October 2010, 17:50 IST

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With the Internet offering a slew of options to personalise contents, the concept of blogging has gained momentum over the last few years. Blogging has become more than just a personal space for individuals and professionals to voice their concern.
It has pioneered a new genre of writing. Today, this fad has caught the fancy of a lot of youngsters, students and professionals.

Says Jyotthsna, a frequent blogger, “It’s like having an identity of your own, and creating your own platform to voice your opinion. It is a very informal approach by an individual where there is no limit to expressing one’s thoughts, ideas and feelings on any topic under the sun. It can be tracked by people from all over the world without paying a penny.

Also, one can have his or her own innovative templates, colours and designs.”
Divya, an executive with a private firm, is of the opinion that blogs are a platform to meet like-minded people, “It’s purely a personal space to express our feelings and connect with people who can relate to what we think and articulate on the same line. One can find an array of topics ranging from business, politics to
technology being discussed on blogs. Opinion makers can make an impact on a lot of people.”

But there are also people who are unfamiliar with the notion of blogging.
“Though I have heard people talk a lot about blogging, I somehow never made an attempt to familiarise myself with it. I would rather use social networking sites to voice my opinion since I find them to be a more powerful medium of expression,” opines Lakshmi Vishwanath, an M Tech student.

 “I am not very familiar with the concept of blogging. But I read a few blogs once in a while just to keep myself updated about what people write,” says Bhumika, a student of literature.

Rakshith, an IT professional, says, “I’m new to the concept of blogging. I would prefer reading columns in newspapers than read blogs.”

There is a  flip side to blogging as well. The contents posted on blogs can be easily plagiarised. Most of the contents are easily pilfered since there is no copyright for blogs.

“It’s like a billboard on the web, people just come and read your blog. Although it’s a great forum to express one's views, it’s really sad to see people flick content and we feel helpless about it,” says Rubin, a MBA student, who is an avid blogger.

It was also observed that though many people are familiar with the concept of blogging, most of them do not have a blog of their own.  

Published 20 October 2010, 13:31 IST

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