
Five Bodo militants arrested

NDFB leader Jangila unsuccessfully tried to fool police
Last Updated : 28 October 2010, 19:17 IST

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The arrested are NDFBL leader B Jangila alias Bakra alias Beta in his early thirties, Upen Basumatary alias Upendra (53), Samar Brahma (33) and Uttam Kumar Basumatary (38) of Karbi Anglong and Sanjay Singh Meitei (20) of Guwahati.

IB inputs

“The operation lasted for nearly four days. We had sufficient inputs from the Centre and after zeroing in on the culprits, we faced few challenges - Jangila pretended that he is not the person whom we were looking for, but was forced to confess and blurted out everything,” said the senior officer in charge of the operation.

They were not into any kind of activity in Bangalore. No weapons were found. Earlier, according to them, they were fund raisers in the organisation, and used to collect around Rs five lakh a month.

Alerted, a police party from Assam is arriving to take charge of the arrested persons.


Jangila indulged in terrorist activities after his father, an executive member of the Autonomous Council, Karbi Anglong was killed by Liberation Tigers of Bodo Land about 10 years ago.

He allegedly killed an important member of the Liberation Tigers of Bodo Land organisation in Karbi Anglong District. He is also involved in an attempt to murder and anti-national activities in Karbi District.

He is an important member of the NDFB faction which is a banned militant outfit of Assam. Coming to Bangalore three years ago, he was employed with various security agencies.
He joined NDFB in 2005 and had underwent training for five months in Bangladesh with third Battalion of the NDFB. He was sent back to Assam as a Guerrilla Warfare cadre of the NDFB and rose to the position of Development-in-Charge for the undivided NDFB in 2007.

Jangila’s task was to extort money and purchase arms for the outfit. He used to collect Rs five lakh a month from contractors, political leaders, shop keepers and tea estate owners and managers. His group was involved in the murder of a number of Bodo Liberation Tigers (BLT) cadres.  He shifted to Bangalore as he thought BLT will take revenge against him.

Upen Basumatary, Samar Brahma, Uttam Kumar Basumatary and Sanjay Singh Meitei are also suspected to be involved in terrorist activities in Assam. Their antecedents and activities are being verified. The City police are seeking the assistance of their counterparts in Assam in this regard.

NDFBL wants secession

The National Democratic Front of Bodoland (NDFB) was formed on October 3, 1986. The outfit was originally established as the Bodo Security Force (BdSF) under the leadership of Ranjan Daimary. On November 25, 1994, the BdSF rechristened itself as the NDFB. The outfit, since May 2005, is under a ceasefire agreement with the Assam and Union Government.

The NDFB was formed with the purported objective of securing a ‘sovereign Bodoland’ in the areas north of the river Brahmaputra. According to the ‘constitution’ of the outfit, which was adopted on March 10, 1998, the objectives of the outfit include “liberating Bodoland from the Indian expansionism and occupation, free the Bodo nation from the colonialist exploitation, oppression and domination, establish a Democratic Socialist Society to promote Liberty, Equality and Fraternity and uphold the integrity and sovereignty of Bodoland”.

Published 28 October 2010, 19:17 IST

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