
'I go where the song takes me'

Unique identity
Last Updated : 24 November 2011, 14:20 IST

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Which is probably why Shaan, after so many years in the industry, has still managed to retain a huge fan-base— including amongst the youth.

Metrolife caught up with the singer to find out more about his music mantra, his take
on today’s pop stars and his experiences in the City.Shaan began singing when he was five-years-old. “I started singing jingles for biscuits and other kiddy stuff. My voice changed at adolescence, but I started again when I was 18 or so. One thing led to another after that,” he recalls, adding, “I think it helped that my family was also from the music industry. Many composers were friends of my father, and they had a respect for his work and him as a person.”

He may have started with jingles, but he’s come a long way from that. Ask Shaan about the journey, and he says, “There’s definitely a learning process. I think I always stick to the principle that I’m never good enough.”

The music industry is a competitive one, but Shaan feels he has succeeded in carving a niche and creating a separate identity for himself — something that distinguishes him from his peers. “One think I’ve always tried to do is give the song priority. There are a lot of singers in the industry who are one-dimensional. Every song they sing sounds the same.

This may work for them, but for me, this isn’t just about giving a song my stamp; I go where the song takes me. This also automatically brings a freshness to my songs,” he explains.

He’s had experience with both good and bad songs, and maintains that the bad ones are the toughest to deliver, saying, “If it’s a good song, it makes life easy, because you’re excited and want to push yourself. But if it’s really bad, I can’t get myself charged to do it and it’s tough. I need to feel positive about a song.”

He’s dabbled in hosting music shows as well, and although one may perceive these as an opportunity for him to guide young musicians, he claims that often he was the one receiving guidance. “In the early days of Sa Re Ga Ma Pa, we had wonderful judges, with great credibility. I got to meet them, and get an insight into their lives as musicians and just as people,” he says.

Ask him about his visits to the City, and he beams, “If I only get to perform in Bangalore, I think I’d stick to that. I’ve never had a bad day here. People here are amazing— they want to have a nice time, and stay positive. They love to be entertained, and in turn I get entertained by their enthusiasm,” he describes.

Shaan will perform on November 25 at Palace Grounds.

Published 24 November 2011, 14:20 IST

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