
Remove tan, naturally

Skin care
Last Updated : 28 March 2013, 15:42 IST

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Ban than tan. The battle cry has been sounded as the mercury climbs steadily and the sun beats down relentlessly.

The merits of wearing full-sleeved clothes, carrying dainty parasols and using expensive sunscreen lotions have been extolled. Now, Metrolife goes a step further and speaks to a skin expert to bring you some easy and natural home remedies to soothe skin tan.  
Dr Karuna Malhotra, homeopath physician at Cosmetic Skin & Homeo Clinic, says: “In summer, UV rays darken your skin tone by increasing its melanin content. This cannot be undone overnight, but its effects can be minimised by following some simple home remedies.”

The easiest magic potion, she says, is raw milk with a pinch of turmeric and a drop of lemon juice. It should be applied on the face and other affected areas, left to dry and then washed off with cold water. This face pack gives instant relief from sun burn and lightens skin tone.

Mix the juice of one lemon  with some sugar and apply the mixture on the face. Wait for 20 minutes and then rinse with water. Sugar is an excellent cleansing agent and lemon is great for curing a tan. If you have dry skin you can add few drops of glycerine to this face pack.

Cucumber soothes the skin. Take 2 teaspoons of cucumber juice and one teaspoon of lemon juice. Add a pinch of turmeric, mix well and apply on the affected areas. Leave for 20 minutes and wash off. This face mask is ideal for oily skin, says Dr Malhotra.

Another kitchen staple — the potato — is a great healer. Peel and grind raw potato into a thick paste. Add some lemon juice and apply on the face. Wash off after 15

Yogurt and tomato juice, and saffron soaked in fresh milk cream (malai) also work well to reduce a tan.

Aloe vera is a great plant to have in your kitchen garden. Pick some fresh aloe vera leaves, grind them to a paste and apply on face. Wash off with old water.

From the fruit basket, pick a papaya. Chop it up roughly and apply. It removes dark spots as well softens the skin.

“Other than these home remedies, you can try applying coconut milk, sandalwood paste, gram flour, oatmeal powder, ground almonds and dried orange peel. All of them help in keeping your skin healthy and glowing,” says
Dr Malhotra.

Published 28 March 2013, 15:42 IST

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