
Add saffron to your beauty regime

Skin care
Last Updated : 20 March 2014, 13:59 IST

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Known as one of the most expensive element in the spice family, saffron is surely for the rich. Its flavour often graces the menus of exquisite restaurants too. And best of all only a few strands of saffron are enough to add colour and flavour to your favourite dish. But, has anyone thought about its effects on the skin?

There are some amazing reasons for adding saffron to your beauty regime. Saffron can help get a blemish-free skin as it has anti-bacterial properties that makes it an effective agent for healing blemishes and acne spots. Make a paste of few saffron strands with tulsi leaves and apply this on the acne spots and let it dry before washing off. Doing this regularly would help remove the blemishes. You can also apply saffron soaked in milk on your face daily to get rid of blemishes.

Another most common skin issue is tanning. To get rid of this, mix saffron and malai (milk cream) and let it rest overnight. In the morning, blend this mixture gently and apply on the tanned areas of the skin. Do this regularly and enjoy a fabulous tan-free look.Dr Anuj Saigal, senior dermatologist at Enhance Clinic, says, “Along with giving glow and brightness and removing tan, saffron also acts as an anti-acne measure and also helps in toning the skin.”

“One can also mix saffron with honey and apply it on the face. Both have hydrating properties and increase the blood circulation. It helps in getting a glowing skin. But, one thing to be kept in mind is the quality of saffron. There is a lot of adulterated saffron available in the market. Go for a deep red with orange tip strands. To test soak them in water and if they diffuse colour instantly, it means it is not real. Actual saffron takes at least 10-15 minutes to diffuse its colour and flavour,” adds Dr Anuj.

Saffron can also help rejuvenate dull skin. Soak a few strands of saffron in a teaspoon of water overnight. Next morning, add a few drops of coconut oil, pinch of sugar, and a teaspoon of milk in that water and wipe your face with it. Rinse your face after 15-20 minutes. This pack will not only refresh your dull skin, but also get rid of  dark circles under the eye.

And these precious strands are good for all skin types. Those who have oily skin, should prepare a mix by adding some saffron to a few drops of lemon juice. And, for those with dry skin should mix saffron with some milk. Apply the paste on your face and let it stay for 20 minutes. Wash it off with lukewarm water.

Published 20 March 2014, 13:59 IST

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