
Covering long distances

Last Updated : 08 January 2010, 11:59 IST

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There may be times when you have to stay away from your partner for a long duration of time and all you can do is miss him/her.

What do you do when you are not only separated by time but also geographically? Here are some tips on how you can prevent long distance relationships from fizzling out.

-  Constant communication with your partner is very important to sustain a long distance relationship. Talk to the person very often, making sure that you give some piece of special and meaningful news to him/her every time.

-  Discuss both good and bad news with your partner. It is essential to remind the other person how important he/she is in your life. Make your partner feel that though you rarely meet, he/she is an important part of all your major decisions.

- Try watching a favourite television show together. It may sound strange but doing things together fills up the emptiness faster.

-  Give your partner the responsibility to remind you an important work which is related to you. Maybe ask the other to wake you in the morning or remind you to keep an important file. These are minute things but will keep the relationship from fading out.

-  Even though you are physically far away from your partner have at least one meal together.  

-   Never think that calling your partner in an unexpected time of the day will disturb him/her. It will surprise the other and pleasant surprises are always loved. You loose nothing in making your partner feel special.

-  It is important to retain the confidence of your partner especially in a long distance relationship. The trust should never be broken. Tell your partner about everything that takes place in and around you. This will make your partner feel secure about your commitment towards him/her.

-  Even if you are busy when your partner calls, you don’t forget to say the three golden words. It is an excellent remedy to beat the distance.

Published 08 January 2010, 11:59 IST

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