
Donning the director's hat

Last Updated : 10 February 2017, 18:16 IST

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Sandalwood actor Jaggesh is known for his perfect timing when it comes to comedy. In his latest release, ‘Melkote Manja’, he plays the character of a young man who juggles multiple businesses but all of them fail one by one. He finally turns a money-lender.

Jaggesh has also directed the film. The film sends out a strong message about the consequences of thoughtless planning among youngsters. In an interview with Nina C George, Jaggesh talks about the film in detail.  

If you are asked to choose between acting and directing, which one would you choose and why?

I entered the film industry to become a director and during the initial days, I’ve worked with a lot of directors. Among them, I have worked with K V Raju and Raj Kishore who were leading directors of their time and learnt a great deal about direction from them. Directors used to give us the liberty to learn every aspect of filmmaking. There was always a director in me.

You are acting in and directing ‘Melkote Manja’. How was the experience?

It was a very challenging task. I have to prepare others and get prepared myself. I had to also look into the finer aspects such as the lighting part and make sure the timing of the actors were perfect. It was hectic but I enjoyed the tough task.

Tell us about you character? 

He is called Melkote Manja because he hails from a place called Melkote. He is a very ambitious young man who aspires to become a businessman like Vijay Mallya. He borrows huge amounts of money from people and agencies with the intention of starting a business but his plans fail and he is stuck deep in debt. Those worst affected by his thoughtless actions are his parents, who are eventually blamed for his poor upbringing.  

Do you intend to send out any message through this film?

Children shouldn’t indulge in activities that bring a bad name to their parents. They must conduct themselves well whether at home or in the society.

You have been paired opposite Aindrita Ray. What’s her role?

Aindrita Ray has done full justice to her character. She has, after a long time, essayed a unique role which is different from the glamourous roles that she has been playing so far.

Why should one watch the movie?

People come to my movies to laugh.
Published 10 February 2017, 18:16 IST

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