
Just let it out!

Last Updated : 19 January 2018, 17:52 IST

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Our fast-paced lives are full of challenges and growth. We are mentally charged all the time till we are completely spent. Like any other organ, our brain too is subject to fatigue and exposure to the normal wear and tear. Apart from the pleasure we feel because of the continuous growth of our mental faculty, there is only so much we can do because after a while, our mind, body and soul starts receding, thus, detracting from the original path of strength.

This state of being is the beginning of depression, which occurs when we don't care for our physical and mental well-being. Medically, depression is a precursor to severe health conditions like heart diseases and even cancer.

A quick look at the facts shared by the World Health Organisation are a reflection of how serious depression is. WHO's findings imply that depression is likely to trigger more deaths than cancer or heart disease. It is high time we realise what depression is, and learn to deal with it. Depression does not mean an individual is crazy; rather, it only means that a person is under acute mental stress.

Psychosomatic therapy

What do you do when you realise your near and dear one is in a state of depression? It is time to approach a professional consultant.

Technically speaking, the brain shows flu-like symptoms, as there is a sudden drop in serotonin levels in the body. Serotonin is a chemical or a neurotransmitter, which sends signals from the nerves to the brain to create mood balance. Psychosomatic therapy is used to treat this condition. But before the treatment, it is important to understand the symptoms and signs of depression. There are times when life can be hard, stressful and unbearable. There is a sudden spike in pain and disorders, which in turn, leads to mood fluctuations, imbalance and mental disturbances. These symptoms cannot be cured through medication.

This is when the patient needs a psychoanalysis, enabled through a psychosomatic therapy. It is a simple procedure wherein the patient talks to the doctor about his or her state of mind. The doctor will pick up hints and understand the problem in a clinically productive way. So, in a way, it is an effortless procedure since all one has to do is to express his or her feelings.

Fear or lack of oxygen supply in the brain is an outcome of too many negative thoughts, emotions and feelings cluttering the mind. Thus, venting out of feelings and emotions will show instant results. It is the first step towards curing depression.


On the basis of your psychosomatic analysis, your doctor will follow a personalised approach to your treatment of depression. For example, the appointed clinical specialist will show you or tell you, what your mind is unable to perceive or see for the time being. Your doctor will show you the other side of the picture fixed in your mind and open a new path or a new line of sight for you. By doing this, the patient will be able to feel new emotions and fresh thought patterns, pulling him or her out of the depressed state of mind. It helps the patient see the world from a fresh perspective.

For a positive outcome of this therapy, it is important for the patient to trust the doctor. It is similar to undergoing a physical treatment, only here it is more communication based and structured.


Creating the right balance between your mind, body and soul is important to prevent depression. You need to feel things that are beyond the materialistic world. Taking a break from the routine will go a long way in relieving one from depression. Spiritual healing is the most therapeutic. You always have a choice to be spiritual. An enjoyable thing to do is to visit a wellness resort. It will rejuvenate you, giving you enough space and time to self-interact, have a blissful conversation with nature or people you like to travel with, detoxify, heal and feel organic, both mentally and physically.

(The author is a specialist in psychosomatic medicine and psychotherapy)  

Published 19 January 2018, 07:06 IST

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