Shraddha Kapoor, one of the promising stars of Bollywood, has achieved a significant milestone in her career as she surpassed Prime Minister Narendra Modi to become the third most followed Indian celebrity on Instagram. Shraddha now boasts 91.4 million followers on Instagram while PM Modi has 91.3 million followers.
Virat Kohli and Priyanka Chopra top the list of the most-followed Indian celebrities on Instagram, with 271 million and 91.8 million followers, respectively.
This achievement comes amid the huge success of her latest film, Stree 2, which has captivated audiences across the nation. Stree 2, the highly anticipated sequel to the 2018 horror-comedy hit Stree, has been a box office sensation, and is racing towards the Rs. 300-crore mark in its first week of release. The movie is garnering praise from critics and fans alike.
Shraddha has consistently excelled in the action genre, delivering daring stunts in films like Saaho and Baaghi 3. While she brings intense energy to her action roles, in Stree 2, she has infused her action-packed entry with a unique charm. This performance has firmly established her among the top action stars.
As Shraddha Kapoor continues to enjoy the success of Stree 2 and her flourishing social media presence, her fans eagerly await her next move.
Published 21 August 2024, 07:16 IST