
Taylor Swift fan places baby on Paris concert floor, netizens outraged

A user posted the picture with a caption, 'You belong in a jail cell for bringing your baby on the floor of a concert. the lack of common sense is astonishing to me.'
Last Updated : 15 May 2024, 08:37 IST

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American singer Taylor Swift's Paris concert has triggered outrage after a picture went viral on social media which showed one of Swift's fans, who had come to enjoy the concert, had kept their baby on the dirty stadium floor.

The picture, which also had a bag beside the baby, had shaken, disturbed and aroused concern among the Swifties.

The picture was shared by an X user on the platform with the handle name - @irondaya.

The user posted the picture with a caption, "You belong in a jail cell for bringing your baby on the floor of a concert. the lack of common sense is astonishing to me."

The picture was posted on May 11 and has garnered about 18.9K views.

Netizens seemed too angry and disappointed over the picture and replied to the picture expressing their outrage.

A reply to the picture post said, "Bringing a baby to a concert is mind blowing because of the inappropriate noise levels for babies' underdeveloped ears. But it looks like she's changing the baby's diaper in a lobby or a bathroom. And the baby is laying on something between her back and the floor."

Another user replied, "This is terrible on all accounts, like forget the fact that the baby is on the floor, they also do not have ear protection on."

Another angry netizen replied, "This is nuts. People have been trampled at concerts before and they have the baby on the floor."

Another X user replied, "This is absolutely horrifying. I don’t even like babies, and I would have run over there picked the kid up and brought them to the police."

"If you can afford a ticket for her show, you can afford a babysitter. What’s more important, your baby’s health or Taylor Swift? Guess they chose Taylor Swift. Great parents," another user wrote.

Published 15 May 2024, 08:37 IST

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