BJP MLAs on Friday staged a sit-in outside Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal's residence here to demand payment of salaries to teachers and other staff members of 12 Delhi-government funded colleges.
The teachers of these colleges, affiliated to Delhi University, have been protesting over irregular payment of salaries and other benefits for many years.
On Thursday, a strike called by the teaching and non-teaching staff members of Deen Dayal Upadhyaya College against the alleged irregular payment of salaries and other dues in the past three years entered its second day.
Deen Dayal Upadhyaya College is one of the 12 constituent colleges of Delhi University that are fully funded by the city government. The college's staff association has alleged that the Kejriwal government paid salaries till September.
Ramvir Singh Bidhuri, the Leader of Opposition in the Delhi Assembly, alleged that while the Kejriwal government is fighting with the Lt Governor to send teachers of its schools to Finland, it has no concern for teaching and non-teaching staff members of colleges who are not paid on time despite working hard.
Published 03 February 2023, 10:46 IST