Bollywood singer Kanika Kapoor who had attended several gatherings here and tested positive for coronavirus has been booked for negligence and disobedience to the order issued by a public servant, an official said.
The FIR was registered against at Sarojini Nagar police station, said Police Commissioner Surjit Pandey.
"An FIR was lodged at the Sarojini Nagar police station under IPC Sections 269 (negligent act likely to spread infection of disease dangerous to life), 270 (malignant act likely to spread infection of disease dangerous to life), 188 (disobedience to order duly promulgated by public servant)," he told PTI.
The FIR was lodged on the complaint of the Lucknow chief medical officer.
Two more FIRs are likely to be filed against the singer at the Hazratganj and Gomtinagar police stations as she had visited at least three gatherings in the areas faaling under their jurisdiction.
Published 20 March 2020, 18:51 IST