
GJM chief resigns, vows agitation will continue

Last Updated : 23 June 2017, 19:40 IST
Last Updated : 23 June 2017, 19:40 IST

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 All the elected members of the Gorkhaland Territorial Administration (GTA), including its chief executive Bimal Gurung, resigned on Friday in the trouble-hit Darjeeling hills, with the GJM vowing to intensify the stir for a separate state.

Day 9 and counting

The indefinite shutdown entered the ninth day, crippling life in the hills where an uneasy calm prevailed with small processions supporting Gorkhaland being seen on the streets.

The elected members of the GTA belonged to the Gorkha Janmukti Morcha,  which is leading the agitation.

Gurung, also GJM supremo, who has not been seen in public for the past several days, appeared before the media at Patlebas in Darjeeling, a party stronghold.

Taking a confrontationist stand, he said, “The agitation for Gorkhaland will continue. We have resigned from the GTA. Our one-point demand is Gorkhaland. I will fight till the end.”

Published 23 June 2017, 19:40 IST

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