India climbed three ranks in mobile speeds globally to claim the 56th spot in May, up from 59th in the previous month, according to Ookla Speedtest Global Index.
The median mobile download speeds in India increased to 39.94 Mbps in May, from 36.78 Mbps in April.
Ookla’s Speedtest Global Index ranks mobile and fixed broadband speeds from across the world, monthly.
According to the Speedtest Global Index report, in the month of May, India climbed three ranks up in median mobile speeds globally, making a consistent improvement in overall global median mobile speeds.
"On median fixed broadband speeds, India came down by one spot in global ranking from 83 in April to 84 in May," Ookla said.
However, India’s performance in fixed median download speeds witnessed a slight increase from 51.12 Mbps in April to 52.53 Mbps in May 2023.
As per May Speedtest Global Index, UAE led the chart for overall global median mobile speeds, whereas Mauritius climbed 11 spots in rank globally. For fixed broadband download speeds, Singapore is consistent at the numero uno spot this month and Bahrain increased 17 spots in rank globally.
Data for the Global Index comes from the hundreds of millions of tests taken by real people using Speedtest every month to test their Internet performance, it explained.
Published 21 June 2023, 12:20 IST