
A fiesta of talents

Last Updated : 08 February 2011, 10:05 IST
Last Updated : 08 February 2011, 10:05 IST

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The festival comprised various events giving students an opportunity to portray their talents.

It started with the inaugural function followed by stage events like Indian group dance, debate, duet dance, fusion dance, product launch, on-the-spot reporting and off-stage events like mehandi, flower arrangement, face painting and groom the bride. The dance events were a visual treat.

On the other hand, the debate encouraged young minds to discuss one of the most pressing issues — corruption. Most of the off-stage events shared a common thread — ‘colours’ to go with the theme of the fest.

Girls of Goodwill College were given dress codes of the colours of rainbow that added flavour to the event.

Several stalls were set up to meet the various needs of participants.

The second day included on-stage events like Indian song, Western dance, Mad-ads, Just-a-minute, personality contest and fashion show and off-stage events like collage, Wealth from waste, pot painting, crisis management, vegetable carving and sketching which let the participants unleash their creativity and passion.

The Master of Ceremonies (MC) Santhosh and DJ Raghu kept the crowd cheerful and energetic throughout the fest.

The overall champions of the event were St John’s College of Nursing. Winners were given watches worth Rs 2000 and cash prizes.

 Achini Athukorala, a Sri Lankan, who is also the president of the Student Council said, “We had the main responsibility to make this event a success and were given all the freedom to achieve that goal. We have been working from the past two months for this event. We had invited over 50 colleges and around 25-30 colleges participated.”

 Varna splashed joy all those present at the event. 

Published 08 February 2011, 09:57 IST

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