
Apex court upholds govt ban on Mate Mahadevi's work

shish Tripathi
Last Updated : 20 September 2017, 20:53 IST
Last Updated : 20 September 2017, 20:53 IST
Last Updated : 20 September 2017, 20:53 IST
Last Updated : 20 September 2017, 20:53 IST

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The Supreme Court on Wednesday upheld a 19-year-old decision by the Karnataka government to ban and seize the book 'Basava Vachana Deepti' edited by seer Mate Mahadevi for hurting religious feelings of lord Basaveshwara's followers.

A bench of Justices S A Bobde and L Nageswara Rao dismissed a special leave petition filed by Mate Mahadevi against a three-judge bench decision of the High Court of Karnataka of June 27, 2003.

The order comes as a big setback to Mate Mahadevi who claimed to have received a divine ordinance in her dream to change the 'Mudrika' in the 'Vachanas' of Basavanna from 'Kudalasangama Deva' to 'Linga Deva'.

The high court had then concluded that she has changed the pen name from 'Kudalasangama Deva' to 'Linga Deva' in the original 'Vachanas' of lord Basaveshwara and which is likely to outrage the feelings and sentiments of the followers of Basavanna, the 12th century social reformer.

Appearing for the Karnataka government, senior advocate Basava Prabhu Patil contended that the action initiated by the State under Section 95 (power to declare certain publications forfeited) of the Criminal Procedure Code was based on the opinion that her works could cause hurt to the entire mass of the community.

“'Vachana mudrike' has been translated under a pen name. What is portrayed by her is not what it is. The Lord's Vachanas contained profound thoughts on gender equality, dignity of labour and other moral values. People for last 800 years have been referring to Vachanas. Each Vachana has its own insignia. Everything is sought to be disturbed, which is impermissible,” he said.

The bench, initially, observed that what Mate Mahadevi has done could be “wrong and improper” but it has to be examined if changing the pen name from 'Kudalasangama Deva' to 'Linga Deva' amounted to insulting the God or the followers.

The state government's counsel, however, insisted that Mate Mahadevi's act is impudent and her intention is very much clear. “The whole philosophy of Basavanna is sought to be changed by her,” he claimed.

On this, the bench said, “We agree she cannot tamper with somebody else's Vachanas. She cannot give her own pen name.”

On Tuesday, Akhila Bharata Veerashaiva Mahasabha', through senior advocate R Basant and Nishant Patil, had supported the state government, contending that the Vachanas are the foundation of Veershaiva sect founded by Basavanna and are like 'Bible' 'Gita' and 'Quran'. Basavanna’s Vachanas are being hijacked and outraged, they claimed.

Published 20 September 2017, 20:48 IST

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