
BJP corporators protest contract to 'inept' KRIDL

Last Updated : 16 June 2016, 20:14 IST
Last Updated : 16 June 2016, 20:14 IST

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Opposition BJP corporators walked out of the BBMP council meeting on Thursday, protesting the grant of contract to the Karnataka Rural Infrastructure Development Ltd (KRIDL) to develop 110 villages.

As the council proceedings began, BJP leader Padmanabha Reddy blamed the KRIDL for shoddy work and incomplete projects. “The 14th Finance Commission funds released for the 110 villages were supposed to be utilised before March 31 this year, which did not happen because of the KRIDL. Despite knowing the KRIDL’s poor record, what is the point giving a contract to it?” Reddy demanded.

Mayor B N Manjunatha Reddy replied, “The KRIDL used to charge 11% more than the estimate but on my insistence, it brought it down to 8%. This way we could save Rs 300 crore.”

But the BJP corporators weren’t convinced and continued the protest. The mayor castigated the BJP for its “hypocritical” attitude. He said that the BJP, when in power at the state and in the BBMP, had entrusted all the works to the KRIDL but was now opposing it. The miffed BJP corporators then walked out.
Published 16 June 2016, 20:14 IST

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