
Divers search for Viji

Last Updated : 16 September 2009, 19:53 IST
Last Updated : 16 September 2009, 19:53 IST

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The three firemen went underwater to look for Viji in the catchment tank behind the Madivala lake.

“Divers need clear and transparent water to look through their masks underwater. In this case, they were unable to look through the dirty water in the heavily silted tank,” said an official. The three divers went into the tank and into the SWDs that lead into the Madivala lake. At the Madivala lake, two rubber dinghies were used. Officials said that the silt might be 10-15 feet high. The search proved futile on day one and the authorities will resume the search on Thursday. Minus the divers, the search operations  had striking similarities to the rescue operations carried out for six-year old Abhishek in Hennur lake four months ago. The search operations for Abhishek dragged on for six days with no results.

Published 16 September 2009, 19:53 IST

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