
Illegally detained minors rescued

Last Updated : 25 November 2009, 18:31 IST
Last Updated : 25 November 2009, 18:31 IST

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The KSCPCR members were tipped off that a boy was detained by the RPF staff on Sunday and was not produced before the Juvenile Justice Board (JJB). The members rushed to the station and were shocked to see two boys inside the cell.
“We spoke to a boy and his relative who had come to offer him food. The boy told us that he was detained on Sunday itself and his relative brings him food everyday,” said KSCPCR member Vasudeva Sharma.

“Earlier we thought there was only one boy, but along with him we found another boy as well. The RPF staff have erred by not producing them before JJB. It’s a clear case of violation of Juvenile Justice (Care and Protection of Children) Act 2006 provision,” he added.
As per the Act, the boys should have been handed over to special juvenile police unit who should have produced them before the JJB as early as possible. The boys were sent to observation home at Madivala and would be produced before the JJB soon, he added.
When contacted, the RPF staff refused to comment.

Published 25 November 2009, 18:31 IST

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