
Miscreant cheats people in Assam using IGP Roopa’s photos on Facebook

D Roopa alerted the cybercrime police a few days ago
Last Updated : 23 December 2020, 20:36 IST
Last Updated : 23 December 2020, 20:36 IST

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A miscreant in Assam was cheating the public by collecting money from them using the picture of Inspector General of Police (IGP), Karnataka, D Roopa and creating fake Facebook accounts.

Roopa alerted the cybercrime police a few days ago, alarmed by the incident.

Sources said the miscreant was sending friend requests in the name of 'Sankholeena Sarmah Choudhry' on FB using Roopa’s photograph and identifying as a civil servant.

He collected the mobile numbers of many people, created a WhatsApp group and spoke to a few of them in a woman’s voice. He also collected money in the name of charity.

He subsequently created another fake FB account with the name 'Pranamika Mahantas' using Roopa’s photos. People known to the officer informed her as they grew suspicious about the activities.

Roopa tweeted about the incident a few days ago.

“I got calls from three people in Assam that an FB link is using my pics, calling people in a female voice, and cheating them. I have flagged the issue to cybercrime cell, and I urge people to be cautious, not to give money to such cheaters,” she said.

Published 23 December 2020, 20:17 IST

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